Minchinhampton Surgery is very grateful of the positive feedback we receive, and we strive to do better when we receive negative comments and constructive criticism. Your views help make the surgery even better for you, other patients, and for staff.
Feedback is taken seriously and discussed at regular practice meetings. Often a problem can be sorted out straight away. All feedback and any associated patient contact details and data will be kept strictly confidential.
Giving feedback
To provide feedback:
- fill out an online Friends & Family Test form (a paper version is also available in reception)
- leave a review on the NHS website
- phone us on 01453 883 793
Making a complaint
If you have a serious concern or complaint about the care or treatment you or another patient have received from the surgery, please fill in a complaint form. You could also call reception on 01453 883793 and ask to speak to the practice manager.
We will investigate all complaints seriously and effectively in conjunction with existing legislation and guidance.